The Carrigan Nursery
Established in 2007, Lacy Creek Growers LLC was started by owners Tom and Kathy Carrigan as a retirement business. This rural, at home business, started out with many types of unusual plants. A website was developed early on, and it became clear the market for Miscanthus Giganteus was a good niche to fill. The nursery changed from a large variety of greenhouse grown plants, to a more limited selection, most of which are field grown plants. Peonies have become another staple of Lacy Creek Growers, due to the market demand for the vast amount of varieties available as well as their ease of bare root shipping. Currently regular onsite business hours are not kept, and we are now open by appointment only.
In 2014 the biggest change of all occurred when Tom Carrigan suddenly died of an unexpected heart attack. He had fulfilled many of his personal goals and dreams and very much enjoyed the nursery business as well. He is greatly missed by his family, which includes 3 grown and married children and 6 grandchildren. It has been the greatest comfort to the family to know that Tom understood Gods word to all mankind and trusted in His love and mercy, knowing his true home forever was with his Savior in heaven.
Kathy, a strong believer herself, continued the business after his death, and in 2016 remarried to Nathan VanSkike. With good work ethics, old time values and desire to carry on the nursery business, Nate and Kathy continue to improve the production and distribution of their products. You can count on Lacy Creek Growers for quality plants and respectful, courteous service.
Thank you for considering us for your plant needs!